We want to hear from you about how to improve the safeguarding of participants. These questions are posed to guide you in providing feedback. However, you do not need to answer each question individually, or at all. You can respond to these questions and the issues identified in this paper in a way that best suits you.
- What does safety and safeguarding mean to participants?
- When do participants feel safe and unsafe? What helps participants to feel safe?
- What is working well, and not well, to promote the safeguarding of participants?
- Do you agree with the issues about participant safeguarding identified in this paper?
- Are there other issues about participant safeguarding that the Review should consider? If so, what issues?
- What do you think about the draft proposals for change identified in this paper?
- What is good about these proposals? Is the balance right between the dignity of risk and supporting participants to be safe? What could be different or better?
- Is anything missing from these proposals? If so, what?
- Do you have different ideas to improve participant safeguarding? If so, what?
- What could be done beyond the NDIS to improve the safeguarding of people with disability?
- What should an NDIS-wide participant safeguarding strategy cover?
- When and how should participants and their supporters be engaged in communication about risk and safeguards in the NDIS? Why would this be the best approach?
- Who should communicate about these concepts with participants, and why? What skills or attributes are required to best support this?
- What helps build natural safeguards in participants’ lives? What makes this harder?
- What can be done to support participants in decision-making?
- How should information sharing between government agencies to promote safeguarding be balanced with privacy considerations?
- What kinds of support and advice might participants need to effectively advocate for their right to be safe or to support safeguarding? In what circumstances would this be valuable?
- What options for outreach and visitation or other support can be provided to participants in different higher-risk settings and circumstances? What benefits would this provide?
- How should any model for outreach and visitation operate for participants living in private homes? Should this be based on participants opting into or opting out of receiving visits or other forms of outreach?