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Past events
NDIS Review Geelong community meeting – join us online with live stream!
11:00am – community update and discussion with the NDIS Review panel
Due to Telstra wifi and services outages in Geelong, today’s townhall may have issues connecting. At this stage, live streaming is going ahead, however if we experience further problems, a recording will be made available as soon as possible on our website. We apologise for the inconvenience.
NDIS Review Geelong community meeting – join us in person!
Eastern Hub Geelong Community Centre
285a McKillop Street (corner of Humble Street), East Geelong
10:00am – morning tea with the NDIS Review panel
11:00am – community update and discussion with the NDIS Review panel
Join the Geelong community event online
Due to Telstra wifi and services outages in Geelong, today’s townhall may have issues connecting. At this stage, live streaming is going ahead, however if we experience further problems, a recording will be made available as soon as possible on our website. We apologise for the inconvenience.
The event is being streamed online from 11 am.
Join via the link below or via scanning the QR code below or by visiting and entering NDISReviewGeelong where it says 'Joining as a participant?'.
Live captioning and Auslanb interpretation will be available.
Join the Geelong community event online (webinar)

Providers webinar
Responding to the challenges: Insights form the review panel.
Come and hear from the panel about what they have heard and next steps for the NDIS Review.
For providers, Intermediaries and support workers.
Virtual town hall for participants and their families
Responding to the challenges: A participant look at NDIS 2.0
Come and hear from the panel about what they have heard and next steps for the NDIS Review.
Our interactive town hall will be broadcast from Newcastle, NSW, where the panel are addressing the future direction of the scheme for participants and their families.
Newcastle community event for participants and their families
Responding to the challenges: A participant look at NDIS 2.0
Come and hear from the panel about what they have heard and next steps for the NDIS Review.
Local people with disability, their families and carers are invited to join the panel for morning tea and a discussion on the future of the NDIS.
Start to live my own life
For younger people and their families. Consultation on a range of supports to become more independent.
Allied Health practitioners and the NDIS
For allied health practitioners and sole traders. Consultations to hear experiences and ideas to enable people with disability and their families to get the supports they need to achieve their goals.
Disability support worker perspective
For disability workers (platform, independent and employed). Consultation about how to ensure quality services that meet needs, support participant capacity building and enable professional development.
The role of intermediaries connecting people with services, supports and communities
For support coordination and psychosocial recovery coaches. Consultation about supporting people with disability to find and use services to participate in social and economic life.
Disability support worker perspective
For disability workers (platform, independent and employed). Consultation about how to ensure quality services that meet needs, support participant capacity building and enable professional development.
Disability supports outside the NDIS
For people with disability who are not NDIS Participants. Consultation about need for services and supports outside of the NDIS.
Assistive Technology and me
For people with neurological and physical conditions. Consultations on decision-making about complex AT supports.
What happens when I am no longer around?
For people with disability, their families and the broader disability community. Consultation on housing, inclusion and financial concerns when planning for the future.