Amanda to provide updated copy for this page -- stages to be removed.
We are commited to working in a way that places you, your families and communities at the centre of what we do. To inform the Review, we will consider the contributions that people with disability and many others have already made.
We will consider the individual needs of people with disability including people who have complex communication and support needs.
Stage One – Build trust and validate
6 weeks – now until end 2022
In this stage, we will use a range of ways to engage with you. This includes a submission process and webinars to listen and understand your experiences and concerns. We will begin to consolidate the known issues raised through previous reviews and invite your input. We also want to understand the best ways to engage with you.
Stage Two – Designing solutions
16 weeks – March to July 2023
In this stage, we will consolidate input from Stage 1, and will report these back to you in terms of ‘What we’ve heard’. We will use a range of ways to engage with you including submissions, webinars, workshops and tailored approaches to engage with participants. We will work with you on the broad range of issues in scope for the Review to define priority areas for action. We will listen to you on the best ways for solutions to be implemented and co‑develop a plan of how this can be done.
Stage Three – Reporting to governments
By October 2023
In this stage we will consolidate our work and consistent with our Terms of Reference we will report to the Disability Reform Ministers. This will provide our recommendations and an ‘Action Plan for Implementation’ by October 2023. It is anticipated that following all Australian Governments consideration of our final report, that the outcomes will be published.