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Events schedule

NDIS Review public events July and August

In the coming month the NDIS Review will be holding a series of public consultations. 

This series of online and in person consultations are another opportunity for you to share your solutions for a NDIS that can work better for you now and into the future.

Each consultation will cover key topics that we are looking for your insights on.

Registration for these events will open soon. Sign up to our newsletter to receive updates and follow us on Twitter for updates.


Assistive Technology (AT) and me

For people with neurological and physical conditions. Consultation on decision-making about complex AT supports.

Online forumLate July

Disability supports outside the NDIS

For people with disability who are not NDIS participants. Consultation about need for services and supports outside the NDIS.

Online forumLate July

What happens when I’m no longer around?

For people with disability, their families and the broader disability community. Consultation on housing, inclusion and financial concerns when planning for the future.

Online forumEarly August

The role of intermediaries connecting people to services, supports and communities

For support coordinators and psychosocial recovery coaches.  Consultation about supporting people with disability to find and use services to participate in social and economic life.

Online forumEarly August

Disability support worker perspective

For disability workers (platform, independent and employed). Consultation about how to ensure quality services that meet needs, support participant capacity building and enable professional development.

Online meetingEarly August

Allied Health practitioners and the NDIS

For allied health practitioners and sole traders. Consultation to hear experiences and ideas to enable people with disability and their families to get the supports they need to achieve their goals.

Online forumEarly August

Families planning for the future

For parents and families. Consultation about the NDIS and how to plan for the future to enable and safeguard children or adults with disability. With Carers NSW

In-person forum SydneyMid August

Trial site revisited: Hunter region

For participants, families, community and representative groups and disability providers in the Hunter region. Consultation about experiences from trial site days to now and what needs to change in the future. 

Community forum 


Mid August

Starting to live my own life

For younger people and their families. Consultation on a range of supports to become more independent.

Online forumMid August